We understand the rules about gifts and entertainment

Gifts and entertainment can help build good business relationships, but they can also pose a conflict of interest when they make it hard for you or someone else to be objective about the person or the company that provides them.
Avoid doing anything that might compromise (or appear to compromise) the decisions you make as an employee of Cox. You should not give gifts or entertainment that are not related to a legitimate Cox business activity, are unreasonable in value under the circumstances, or are illegal or inappropriate. Anything you receive that’s valued at more than $250 must be reported on a Gifts & Entertainment Disclosure Form.
The rules for giving gifts, entertainment, or travel to government employees or public officials are very strict, and violating them can have serious consequences for the giver, the giver’s organization, and the receiver. Never promise, offer, provide, or approve anything of value to someone affiliated with the government unless you obtain written approval in advance from the Compliance Team.
Know and follow the rules for gift-giving and gift-getting.
Don’t give anything of value to a government employee without advance approval.