We follow the law
Anti-corruption and anti-bribery laws

We conduct business with integrity. Never promise, offer, make, or authorize a payment or anything of value to influence a business decision or to gain any advantage.
- Strict laws prohibit offering anything of value to a government official, and many laws prohibit offering anything of value to private or nongovernmental persons or entities.
- Both you and Cox can be held criminally liable for bribes made on our behalf by third parties, so make sure that you know who you are doing business with.
- Never pay facilitation or “grease” payments to government officials to speed up routine functions like processing paperwork, delivering mail, turning on power, etc., even if these types of small payments are customary or legal in the country in which you are working.
- SPEAK UP if you have questions or to report suspicious activity.
Did you know?
It is very broad and could be stock, a gift certificate, a favor, a loan, any kind of home improvement, a job, a kickback, a discount, an offer of entertainment, or travel. Even a charitable or political contribution could be considered a bribe under certain circumstances.