We avoid conflicts of interest

Our lives outside of Cox are filled with activities, but when those activities interfere with the decisions you make on Cox’s behalf, that puts you and our company in an awkward position and can impact the job you do as an employee.
A conflict of interest can happen when what you do (or what your family members do) outside of Cox interferes, or appears to interfere, with the job you do as an employee, or might provide an unfair advantage (financial or otherwise) to you or a family member. You should avoid any personal interest that affects your ability to act in the best interest of the company or makes it hard for you to perform your job honestly, objectively, and effectively. You have an obligation to avoid even the appearance of a conflict. Identifying potential conflicts of interest is not always easy. While it’s not possible to list every instance that could present a conflict, there are certain situations in which conflicts typically arise. Here are a few examples that can sometimes present conflicts:
- a second job
- certain business and personal relationships
- investments
- outside political or charitable activities
For more details on how these situations can present conflicts of interest, please read the Conflicts of Interest Policy. Avoid potential conflicts whenever possible and disclose them if they do arise by completing a Conflicts of Interest Disclosure Form. If you have questions about the right thing to do in any situation, reach out to the Compliance Team. Most conflicts can easily be avoided or addressed if promptly disclosed and properly managed.