We give back

As a company, we’re committed to giving back to the communities we serve.
We lend our time, talent, energy, and money to support not only those around the corner, but around the globe.
Charitable contributions
Cox provides charitable contributions to select organizations that align with our values and serve the communities where our employees and customers live and work. We encourage your personal involvement in the community, and your contributions of time or money to organizations you care about. You should not, however, use or donate Cox funds or assets for any charitable activity unless you receive approval in advance from the Compliance Team.
Human rights
As a company, we believe that every person deserves to be treated fairly and with dignity. We respect the principles contained in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and work to ensure that our activities reflect our commitment to respecting human rights and human rights-related laws. This means that we do not knowingly do business with companies or individuals that engage in child labor, forced labor, human trafficking, or other human rights abuses.
Political activities
We respect your right to engage in personal political activities, but keep in mind that this right should never conflict with your obligation to help Cox maintain a positive and respectful work environment, free from harassment.
Our company-sponsored political action committee accepts voluntary contributions from eligible employees to ensure that Cox has a voice with policy makers in the United States. We comply with all applicable laws and regulations governing solicitations for contributions and disbursement of funds. Participation in any CoxPAC (federal or state) is voluntary, and no employee will be required to participate.